

Instant Trading Ltd 持英属维京群岛FSC执照(英属维京群岛)
执照号: SIBA/L/14/1082

Instant Trading Ltd. is authorized and licensed by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) under the Securities and Investment Business Act (SIBA), the British Virgin Islands (BVI).

As of now, the British Virgin Islands (BVI) are a British Overseas Territory with a legal system developed on the English common law. With financial services being the main pillar of Islands’ economy, the BVI is supporting international business industry presence. The BVI is an important world player in financial services industry, thus the financial services in the British Virgin Islands are regulated by the independent Financial Services Commission. The FSC is fulfilling the international commitments to the prevention of international white collar crime at the same time protecting the privacy and confidentiality of the legitimate business transactions.

The SIBA regulation safeguards that the BVI’s licensing regime complies with the global common standards of the financial industry defined by such organizations as the IMF (International Monetary Fund), as well as the IOSCO (International Organization of Securities Commissions).

In 2013 the FSC together with the regulators of 31 European countries have accepted a Memorandum of Understanding, which is about the joint assistance in supervising investment funds. This fact confirms the respectful role of the FSC on the global financial markets and that the jurisdiction of the BVI is well recognized worldwide.

Instant Trading Ltd. operates in accordance with the regulations of the FSC (under SIBA) and prioritizes transparency to the clients, acting by law, and protecting customer interests.

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 InstaForex Loprais Team为达喀尔拉力赛正式参赛

InstaForex Loprais Team为达喀尔拉力赛正式参赛

InstaForex是达喀尔拉力赛官方参与者instprax Loprais Team的标题赞助商。这个拉力赛团队是InstaForex、Loprais团队(达喀尔拉力赛的定期参与者)和汽车公司Tatra的联合项目,Tatra为团队提供了著名的卡车。

InstaForex Loprais Team为达喀尔拉力赛正式参赛

InstaForex是达喀尔拉力赛官方参与者instprax Loprais Team的标题赞助商。这个拉力赛团队是InstaForex、Loprais团队(达喀尔拉力赛的定期参与者)和汽车公司Tatra的联合项目,Tatra为团队提供了著名的卡车。

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Grand Choice Contest by InstaForex

InstaForex always strives to help you fulfill your biggest dreams. We all have different dreams and goals. We have taken it into account before launching our new contest. This time, we have prepared more than one prize. The winner will have the opportunity to decide which of the dreams to pursue.

Grand Choice Contest by InstaForex

InstaForex always strives to help you fulfill your biggest dreams. We all have different dreams and goals. We have taken it into account before launching our new contest. This time, we have prepared more than one prize. The winner will have the opportunity to decide which of the dreams to pursue.

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HC zvolen -坚韧,勇气和问候


HC zvolen -坚韧,勇气和问候


Viswanathan anand - XVth世界象棋冠军

Viswanathan anand - XVth世界象棋冠军

InstaForex荣幸地宣布与著名国际象棋大师、冠军维斯瓦纳坦·阿南德(Viswanathan anand)合作。他从小就献身于工作。阿南德是一个传奇,他证明了对于追求自己目标的人来说,没有什么是不可能的。维斯瓦纳坦•阿南德(Viswanathan Anand)认为,国际象棋和贸易有很多共同之处。国际象棋和贸易都需要智慧和经验,以及对自由和领导力的渴望。

Viswanathan anand - XVth世界象棋冠军

InstaForex荣幸地宣布与著名国际象棋大师、冠军维斯瓦纳坦·阿南德(Viswanathan anand)合作。他从小就献身于工作。阿南德是一个传奇,他证明了对于追求自己目标的人来说,没有什么是不可能的。维斯瓦纳坦•阿南德(Viswanathan Anand)认为,国际象棋和贸易有很多共同之处。国际象棋和贸易都需要智慧和经验,以及对自由和领导力的渴望。

Loprais and InstaForex:传统,进步,领导

Loprais and InstaForex:传统,进步,领导

Loprais and InstaForex: 传统, 进程, Ales Loprais的领导精神 是一名飞行员,同时也是拉力赛团队的公关经理。 Ales Loprais是instprax Loprais团队的领航员和公关经理。 Ales Loprais是instprax Loprais团队的领航员和公关经理. Ales Loprais他还拥有一家汽车零部件制造公司,专门生产世界著名的Tatra卡车。艾尔斯于1980年1月10日出生在捷克共和国奥洛穆茨的一个达喀尔拉力赛冠军家庭。他是在为集会做无尽准备的氛围中长大的。艾尔斯一直从事修车工作,而且从很小的时候起,他呆在车库里的时间就比呆在家里的时间要长。

Loprais and InstaForex:传统,进步,领导

Loprais and InstaForex: 传统, 进程, Ales Loprais的领导精神 是一名飞行员,同时也是拉力赛团队的公关经理。 Ales Loprais是instprax Loprais团队的领航员和公关经理。 Ales Loprais是instprax Loprais团队的领航员和公关经理. Ales Loprais他还拥有一家汽车零部件制造公司,专门生产世界著名的Tatra卡车。艾尔斯于1980年1月10日出生在捷克共和国奥洛穆茨的一个达喀尔拉力赛冠军家庭。他是在为集会做无尽准备的氛围中长大的。艾尔斯一直从事修车工作,而且从很小的时候起,他呆在车库里的时间就比呆在家里的时间要长。

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